First let’s start with the students. When I was finally able to confirm that we had been given the go ahead for the trial I took the iPads (still boxed up) into the class and sat them on a desk. There was an excited buzz in the air and I was soon surrounded by 26 eager students all talking a billion miles an hour and clambering to be one of the first users of the iPad. It took almost a whole period (55 minutes) to explain the trial and answer the student’s questions and concerns. A lot of their concerns centred around buying Apps, playing games and whether their friends and family members could use the devices. Then came the all important question “Who gets to use the iPads first”. This was something that I had anticipated! As the basis of the iPad trial is to see how students will use them to aid their learning I decided that the students’ first challenge was to convince me that they should be the one to take the iPad home. Their response was mixed. Some decided to wait it out as we had taken a class vote and decided that each week the iPads would accumulate Apps rather than be erased. Others spent hours crafting the perfect submission (some of them are shown below).
Exciting news travels fast and it was only a matter of minutes before students from other classes were asking “When do we get to use the iPads?”. Some students have been lucky enough to use the devices while we have been on camp or excursions and if I had a spare $10, 000 a few more iPads would definitely allow me to gain more data and give more students an iPad experience!
As part of the conditions of the trial, on a Friday afternoon I call the students parent/guardian and notify them that they should be expecting an iPad to be coming home with their son/daughter. Again reactions have been mixed but on the most part parents have been really excited about the devices and their potential use in education. Parents and students have willingly accepted all the terms and conditions of the trial and have embraced the technology. I have received a number of emails from parents thanking the school for giving their son/daughter the opportunity to be involved in such a relevant, exciting and innovative project. Many others have written to express their gratitude for helping them indirectly solve issues with their iPhones!
And finally the Teachers. While on the most part teachers have been very supportive of the program, it has taken some time to convince them that they iPads are in fact the students own personal learning device. Teachers have been given opportunities to ‘recommend’ apps/books for students to purchase but ultimately, they the students have the final say as to what they buy as they have to record and justify their spending. There has been the odd teacher that has claimed that this new gadget has no purpose in education and has refused to let students use the iPads in class – but my guess is the same thing happens with the students laptops!
Exciting news travels fast and it was only a matter of minutes before students from other classes were asking “When do we get to use the iPads?”. Some students have been lucky enough to use the devices while we have been on camp or excursions and if I had a spare $10, 000 a few more iPads would definitely allow me to gain more data and give more students an iPad experience!
As part of the conditions of the trial, on a Friday afternoon I call the students parent/guardian and notify them that they should be expecting an iPad to be coming home with their son/daughter. Again reactions have been mixed but on the most part parents have been really excited about the devices and their potential use in education. Parents and students have willingly accepted all the terms and conditions of the trial and have embraced the technology. I have received a number of emails from parents thanking the school for giving their son/daughter the opportunity to be involved in such a relevant, exciting and innovative project. Many others have written to express their gratitude for helping them indirectly solve issues with their iPhones!
And finally the Teachers. While on the most part teachers have been very supportive of the program, it has taken some time to convince them that they iPads are in fact the students own personal learning device. Teachers have been given opportunities to ‘recommend’ apps/books for students to purchase but ultimately, they the students have the final say as to what they buy as they have to record and justify their spending. There has been the odd teacher that has claimed that this new gadget has no purpose in education and has refused to let students use the iPads in class – but my guess is the same thing happens with the students laptops!
Why I should get an iPad first: Having expensive technology is like have a pet, you have to look after your pet, feed it, clean it etc. I will treat the iPad like a pet, with respect and look after it. I will use it for learning purposes (not all gaming).I will not give it out to anyone even if they pressure me. I will not lose it or break it. I will let my family have a go on it and friends only when I am around. I will use most of the money for education and some for entertainment. I have an iPod so I know what to do but I bet everyone has an iPod so that anyone can go first but I think I will do well if you give it to me first. Liam (Yr 7 2010)
I love technology. It pays a big part in my life. Using the iPad for a week would be great. I will take care of it diligently and I have proven that I can take care of very expensive technology with the type of technology I have at home and my school Laptop. I love Apple software and I know how to use an Ipad beacuse I have used iPods, iPod touches, iPhones, an iPad (for only about half an hour) and Mac computers. I would love to use the iPad for a week and I believe it will be a great learning experience and a great learning tool. Lachlan (Yr 7 2010)
I love technology. It pays a big part in my life. Using the iPad for a week would be great. I will take care of it diligently and I have proven that I can take care of very expensive technology with the type of technology I have at home and my school Laptop. I love Apple software and I know how to use an Ipad beacuse I have used iPods, iPod touches, iPhones, an iPad (for only about half an hour) and Mac computers. I would love to use the iPad for a week and I believe it will be a great learning experience and a great learning tool. Lachlan (Yr 7 2010)